Saturday, 26 January 2019

Cheating—Promotion of quick money scheme by knowingly making false representation of doubling the money—Offence of cheating made out.

Theft of electricity by a company--Prosecution of directors of company-- It was obligatory on the part of the complainant not only to make requisite averments in the complaint petition but also to prove that any of the Directors who had been prosecuted for alleged commission of the aforementioned offence was incharge of and was otherwise responsible for the conduct or the affairs of the Company

Common intention--In order to bring in the concept of common intention it is to be established that there was simultaneously consensus of the minds of the persons participating in the act to bring about a particular result.

Decree against dead person--Death of defendant pending appeal--An application made for substitution of legal representatives, but no order passed by Court through inadvertence--Decree drawn against dead defendant--Decree executable against legal representatives--It was essentially a technical error--Held, act of court should do no harm to a litigant-- Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Section 47--Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order 23 Rule 2.      

Written Statement--Acceptance of--Trial Court can accept written statement after 90 days.

Election symbol--A recognized political party would have a right of exclusive use of the symbol but the Symbols Order makes it very clear that such right to use the symbol can be lost with the dismal performance of the party.

Award—Clause in agreement for no increase in price during stipulated time of completion—Delay attributed to company giving contract—Contractor entitled to increase in price after stipulated time.

Criminal Law--Bail--Grant of--Though detailed examination of the evidence and elaborate documentation of the merits of the case is to be avoided by the Court while passing orders on bail applications, yet a court dealing with the bail application should be satisfied as to whether there is a prima facie case, but exhaustive exploration of the merits of the case is not necessary

During pendency of appeal bail allowed in the year 2006--The incident is 30 years old and after being released in 2006 on bail, it will not be proper to send the accused back to jail, more particularly, because nothing has been stated against him regarding his indulgence in any criminal activity--Sentence reduced to already undergone--Penal Code, 1860, Section 326. 

Dishonour of cheque--First notice remained unserved--Second notice after second prosecution, withdrawn as was wrongly addressed--Third notice after third presentation valid--As earlier two notices did not gave any cause of action

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Pay parity--Senior cannot be paid lesser salary than his juniors--Writ--When writ petition is jointly filed, the prayer therein should not be confined to one petitioner alone only.

Transfer of Suit--Suit for damages filed at Chennai by husband--Suit transferred to Kolkata where wife residing with 2 years old child.

Arbitrator--Appointment of--An application/petition without approaching the authority nominated and agreed upon by the parties is not maintainable--In instant case ICC was nominated but was not approached.

Re-summoning--There must be substantive evidence against a person in order to summon him for trial u/s 319 of Cr.P.C., although he is not named in charge-sheet or he has been discharged from the case, which would warrant his prosecution thereafter with a good chance of his conviction.

Relation witness--If witness is related to the deceased, his evidence has to be accepted if found to be reliable and believed because he would inter alia be interested in ensuring that real culprits are punished.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Attempt to Murder--A single blow of sickle inflicted by appellant on back of deceased--Doctor opinion that deceased did not died due to direct result of injury--Reduction of charges proper.

Decree remains valid unless set aside. Executing Court reduced to interest from 18% to 14%--High Court further reduced the same to 9%--Executing Court cannot go beyond decree--Executing Court to execute the same as it is.

Accident Law--Compensation--Criteria--For arriving at just compensation, it is necessary to ascertain the net income of the deceased available for the support of himself and his dependents at the time of his death and the amount, which he was accustomed to spend upon himself--This exercise has to be on the basis of the data, brought on record by the claimant, which again cannot be accurately ascertained and necessarily involves an element of estimate or it may partly be even a conjecture

Land and Property Law--Allotment of Plot--Cancellation of--Predecessor-in-interest of appellant not eligible for allotment of plot under scheme for rehabilitation of locally displaced persons--Notwithstanding the fact that transfer of plot in favour of appellant is duly approved by Trust, appellant did not acquire any independent right in the plot and be only acquired whatever rights the transferor or original allottee had therein--Defect in allotment made in original allottee's favour on account of her ineligibility to avail scheme was inherited by appellant as her transferee

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Exparte decree--Remedies available to defendants--He may file a suit contending that decree was obtained fraudulently or he may file application under Order 9 Rule 13 C.P.C. or he may prefer an appeal from exparte judgment--He may also file a review petition.

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, S. 166--Accident-More than claimed-There is no restriction that the Court cannot award compensation exceeding the claimed amount, since the function of the Tribunal or Court is to award "just compensation"

Agreement to Sell—Increase in Price—Mere escalation of price is no ground for interference with concurrent findings of court below granting the decree. Abatement of Appeal—Omission to implead legal representatives of a deceased defendant, would not lead to abatement of appeal as a whole by itself.

Murder—Death Penalty—The conduct of the convict in prison cannot be lost sight of and is a relevant mitigating factor Duty of Court—It is duty of Court to be constitutionally correct even when its view is counter-majoritarian  the public opinion Murder—Death Sentence—Possibility of Reform—Probability and possibility of reform of a criminal can be done properly only through psychological/psychiatric evaluation--Media Trial-It has almost become a trend for the investigating agency to present their version and create a cloud in the collective conscience of the society regarding the crime and the criminal

Unlawful Assembly—Sessions Judge acquitted all the six accused persons under Section 148/149 IPC-No appeal filed by the State-­High Court was not justified in convicting the appellant under Section 148/149 IPC-Appellant acquitted

Grievous Hurt—Reduction in Sentence- Submission that one appellant is 80 years of age and other appellant is 70 years of age—Occurrence was of year 1992—In the interest of justice imprisonment of two years reduced to period already undergone of about fifteen months

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Criminal Complaint--Preliminary Inquiry under Section 202 Cr.P.C.--Although an accused has no right to participate unless the process is issued, he may remain present either in person or through a counsel or a agent with a view to be informed of what is going on. Cognizable Offence--Information to police--Even in a case where no action is taken by police, the informant's remedy lies under Section 190 and 200 of the Cr.P.C.

Appointment of Judge--Once the Government on being satisfied that a suitable candidate who was earlier appointed as an Additional Judge is suitable for appointment as a permanent Judge, the elaborate consultation has not been considered necessary--Chief Justice of High Court not required to consult collegium of High Court.

Contempt--When the court either suo motu or on a motion or a reference, decides to take action and initiate proceedings for contempt, it assumes jurisdiction to punish for contempt--The exercise of jurisdiction to punish for contempt commences with the initiation of a proceeding for contempt and if the order is passed not discharging the rule issued in contempt proceedings, it would be an order or decision in exercise of its jurisdiction to punish for contempt--Against such order, appeal would be maintainable.

Dying declaration recorded by Magistrate have greater significance over dying declaration recorded by head constable.

Service Law—Teaching Experience—Study Leave—Period of study leave cannot be counted towards teaching experience

Service Law—Higher Qualification—Possession of higher qualification does not always mean that candidate has requisite prescribed lower qualification for the post Service Law—Qualification—It is no part of the role or function of judicial review to expand upon the ambit of the prescribed qualifications

Arbitrator—Appointment of—Challenge to—When an arbitrator was allegedly appointed against the terms of the agreement (arbitration clause) the provisions of 5.11(6) cannot be invoked to challenge such appointment Arbitrator—Appointment of—Amendment of 2015—General conditions of the contract cannot be taken to be the agreement between the parties so as to apply the provisions of the amended Act