Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Common Intention--Even a past enmity by itself may not be a ground to hold for drawing any inference of formation of common intention amongst the parties. --Criminal Law--Common Intention--It is well settled that Section 34 of IPC does not create a distinct offence, it only lays down the principle of joint criminal liability--The necessary conditions for the application of Section 34 of Code are common intention to commit an offence and participation by all the accused in doing act or acts in furtherance of common intention--Penal Code, 1860, Section 34. 

Accident Law--Impleading of Insurance--Liability of the insurance company arises for the purpose of reimbursement of the amount of compensation found to be payable by the owner of the vehicle insured--It is only in exceptional cases and as provided for under Section 170 of the Act, the insurance company can defend a claim petition--Only on limited grounds it may be permitted to question the quantum of compensation--Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, Section 170.     

Arbitration--An independent Arbitration clause in Agreement is not terminated by rescinding of other collateral agreement. Arbitration Agreement--An agreement to enter into an agreement is not enforceable nor does it confer any right upon parties.