Wednesday, 13 February 2019

The respondent-writ petitioner as an Officer of the Bank is bound by the salary structure approved by the Bank for its Officers. The decision of the Standing Committee is a part of the decision-making in respect of salary payable to the employees of the Banks. The employee of a Bank has no right that he should be associated with the decision-making process in respect of the fixation of salary. However, if the question of reasonableness of salary arises, then in exercise of power of judicial review, the Court may examine the decision-making process.

A proper administration of the criminal justice delivery system, therefore requires balancing the rights of the accused and the prosecution, so that the law laid down in Mohan Lal AIR 2018 SC 3853. is not allowed to become a spring board for acquittal in prosecutions prior to the same, irrespective of all other considerations. We therefore hold that all pending criminal prosecutions, trials and appeals prior to the law laid down in Mohan Lal AIR 2018 SC 3853. shall continue to be governed by the individual facts of the case

Criminal complaints cannot be quashed only on the ground that the allegations made therein appear to be of a civil nature. If the ingredients of the offence alleged against the accused are prima facie made out in the complaint, the criminal proceeding shall not be interdicted.”  “At the initial stage of issuance of process it is not open to the Courts to stifle the proceedings by entering into the merits of the contentions made on behalf of the accused.” If the ingredients of the offence alleged against the accused are prima facie made out in the complaint, the criminal proceeding shall not be interdicted.”